Archive for April, 2013


Days Like These Even In The Darkest Moments, Light Can Shine Through

By Kristian & Rachel Anderson
Published by Zondervan


Book Summary:

There are love stories and then there’s the story of Kristian and Rachel Anderson. When Kristian wanted to show his wife Rachel how much he loved her after learning he was terminally ill, he ended up winning millions of hearts around the world, thanks to the now famous YouTube video he made for her 35th birthday. Social media is often seen as trivial and self-absorbed, but this heartfelt and moving tribute by a young Australian father of two in the midst of a battle with cancer, drew attention to a much larger story we all wanted to know more about and an ordeal so many families face alone.

Like Oprah, who invited Kristian and Rachel on her show, and Hugh Jackman, who helped make one of Kristian’s dreams come true by appearing on the tribute, many of us didn’t know him but we were so inspired by him that we felt like we did. He touched lives, gave hope and left behind a precious legacy that will mean a longer and better quality of life for thousands of cancer sufferers. Kristian’s faith was foundational to him and he openly shared his prayers, his struggles, and the hope he found in his relationship with God. His story, told in his own words from his blog entries, with additions from his beloved Rachel, will inspire others to know that even in the darkest moments, the light can shine through.

Book Review:

After reading the story of the Andersen’s, I am left with a sense of awe. It is the almost unbelievable story of how someone found hope, through one of the worst words a person can hear the dreaded c word, Cancer.

I found myself going through the journey with Kristian. I felt a wide range of emotions and connected with his story, as I have a close family member who developed cancer at a young age.

“The truth being we’re all broken, we’re all cracked and what so many people see as a fault or a malfunction really is something to be considered useful,”- Kristian Anderson


I had never heard of Kristian before reading this book. It was based on a series of blog entries. He is most recognized by a famous video he made for his wife for her birthday which involved the Australian Prime Minister, Hugh Jackman and others. I had never hard of Kristian or his journey until receiving this book. I am glad however that my life has been touched by his story.

It is a raw story that detials what is is like to be in the prime of your life, only to find out that you are instead facing death. I wish I had been able to know Kristian personally. I am just glad to have gotten to know his story, which I will share with others. He was a person of great faith, and saw the light even in the darkest circumstances.

“Thank you for journeying with me this far. I pray you find the same peace I have.”

There are people who live lives 3 times as long as Kristian did who never reach that moment of being okay with dying. Hist story is one that deserves to be shared. I would reccomend this book to anyone.

John 3:30 (The Message): “This is the assigned moment for Him to move into the center, while I slip off to the sidelines.”

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com <http://BookSneeze®.com> book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 <> : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”