Archive for July, 2015

Raising Boys by Design: What the Bible and Brain Science Reveal About What Your Son Needs to Thrive

By by Dr. Gregory L. Jantz and Michael Gurian

Published September 2013

raising boys by design

In the beginning out of the chaos God created the earth, everything on the earth was perfectly designed including human beings. We were made in the image of God. Raising children is not easy, there are hundreds of not thousands of books written yearly on how to raise a child.

Raising Boys by Design takes a different perspective on child rearing, focusing on science and scripture. As a parent we want our children to thrive and become productive members of society. The book is broken up into short chapters each building upon the last and provides real advice on how to help your son to thrive in the world.

The book raises some interesting points when it comes to the differences between girls and boys developmentally, especially when it comes to schooling and forming relationships. The advice follows the scriptural advice to be in the world but not of the world. It challenges the parent to be an advocate for the child in the world and teach the child the ways of faith.

The book at times was a little dry but I found myself enjoying the connections made between our world and scriptural stories. My favorite was the connection the author made to the story of Joseph. I would reccomend this for parents and caregivers of elementary school boys. The book addresses issues from early school age to the teenage years and beyond.

I would recommend this book to any person involved with children from parent to teacher.

This book is available from many retailers and I received this book for free fromĀ  the Graf-Martin Company and I was not required to write a positive review.

Book: Refining Fire: Brides of Seattle Book 2

Author: Tracie Peterson

Publisher: Bethany House a Division of Baker Publishing House 2015


This is the second installment of the Brides of Seattle Book Series.

Once again the readers are thrown into the exciting times of the Madison Bridal School. Most of the excitement comes from the continuing adventures of Abrianna Cunningham.

The first book “Steadfast Heart” led me wanting to read more about Abrianna. The second installment does not disappoint. Many other characters from “Steadfast Heart” reappear with the introduction of new characters.

This book focuses on a new character named Militia Scott, a 22 year old bride in training who has no intentions of marriage.

The story is filled with a few twists and unexpected events. As a reader I was entertained and could not put the book down until I finished it.

It was a nice book for sitting on the deck enjoying the sun. It is easy to read and it is evident the author researched historical Seattle.

5 out of 5 stars.

I received a free copy of this book through Graf – Martin on behalf of Bethany House a division of Baker Publishing Group.

Title: The Innocent
Author: Ann H. Gabhart
Publisher: Revell a division of Baker Publishing House 2015.


Imagine yourself newly married when war breaks out and you find yourself for two years, without any letters or news, waiting for your Union Army husband to return. This is the beginning of the story of Carly Kearney.

This book follows the story of a newlywed during the time of the Civil War who has to make a number of decisions to stay alive. The story is filled with struggles with faith, perseverance and love.

I enjoyed reading about a strong woman who despite her circumstances still found a way to hold onto her faith and despite hardship is still able to love.

I found the hours melted away. Unlike other romance novels this romance novel doesn’t contain any graphic scenes. The love story builds slowly and each page left the reader wanting to read just one more page. I am looking forward to reading more from author Ann H. Gabhart

4 out of 5 stars.

I was provided was provided with a copy of this book by Graf-Martin on behalf of Revell a division of Baker Publishing House.

Title: Irish Meadows: Courage to Dream Book 1

Author: Susan Anne Mason

Publisher: Bethany House a division of Baker Publishing Group 2015


This is the first book by Susan Anne Mason. It follows the story of two sisters, Brianna and Colleen O’Leary.

The reader is invited into a story of sibling rivalry, love and faith. The story is based in Long Island on a horse farm in 1911 facing financial ruin.

I found at times the story dragged a bit but overall I enjoyed the storyline. I especially enjoyed how the author showed the stresses of family relationship. I will be looking forward to the next chapter in the O’Leary clan.

3 out of 5 stars.

I received a copy of this book from Graf-Martin on behalf of Bethany House a division of Baker Publishing Group.